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You may get caught up in negative thought cycles day by day, get involved in comparing ourselves to others on social media, or realize that we are influenced by what others think of us. 

Do you know what all this does to us? 


These can lower our self-confidence 👎🏼


Connected conscious breathing helps us to be more resistant to life's setbacks and to feel more confident and empowered. Doing breathwork allows us to doubt ourselves and reconnect with our authentic selves.


If you haven't discovered it yet, Nefes is truly a superpower. It acts as a detox at every level of your being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For those who cannot focus on their breath while meditating, breathing practice is a very powerful tool to help them clear their minds. I especially recommend those who have difficulty in clearing their minds to participate in breathing exercises. 


Breathing is another way to truly experience a state of calmness and stillness. It lowers your anxiety and stress levels. In this sense, learning how to breathe can be very helpful. 


If you are just starting your breathing journey, some of the breathing exercises you can join are;


Create Custom Breath Time 

Create your own Group and Contact Us

Sibel Kavunoğlu One-on-One Private or in groups of 3-6 people, 2-hour, full-day or Regain Your Breath work, whichever you want, let's breathe together

Two hour group breathing practice. Fee 600 TL + VAT

Full-Day Work 

Sunday, February 5 and February 26, 2023

10.30-17.30 hours

By breathing consciously, you have an effective tool for dealing with any situation that affects your breathing. Most of the time, breathing is unconscious. We have little or no awareness of how and when we breathe.

In her work, Sibel Kavunoğlu will share the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts of your conscious Integrating Transformational Breath® and the connection of your own breathing pattern with your experiences.  

Within the scope of the study, you will learn how to analyze your own breath and an online Breathing Practice will be made to support your breathing habits. Detail info

Regain Your Breath
17-19 February 2023

Gaining more energy, better health and more balance is directly linked to how we breathe. Over the weekend we will focus on how we breathe and how we should breathe. You can create more relaxation and peace by maximizing the benefits of more oxygen and pranic energy by eliminating the unnecessary muscle activities we use while breathing, provided that we breathe from the diaphragm. 

Another feature that makes this weekend powerful is that with the special breathing model of Transformational Breath®, it reaches the negative patterns in the subconscious, such as past traumas, negative emotions and limited beliefs, and transforms them into high-frequency energy that you create with your own breath. This clearing of the subconscious mind provides energetic openings that allow you to reach higher levels of awareness.


This weekend you may discover that Transformational Breath® is an effective tool to support the realization of what you want. 

Create Your Own Group. Min 8 people. AndContact us

Sunday, February 26  Saat 19.00-20.30 Online

We want to support the participants of the Regain Your Breath and Transformational Breath® seminar in their self-made sessions, and together we Remember Our Breath once a month. ​Breath,  can be a very powerful tool in balancing your thoughts and feelings. Participation is free. 

For those who want to participate in this study even though they have not participated in our long-term studies before, Breath Cafe will start at 18.30 and the fee is 600 TL + VAT) 

The information ("Content") on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, alleviate, treat or cure any disease or condition. No claims have been made about the specific health benefits. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical advice. The user assumes all responsibility and risk regarding the use of information on this website. TKS Eğitim ve Danışmanlık,  IT IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION, APPLICATION OR SERVICE RECEIVED FROM VIEWING THE CONTENT OF THIS SITE. THE CONTENT INCLUDED HERE HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED OR APPROVED BY Ministry of Health  .

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